Surprising Benefits of Honey

  • 18 Jun 2019

First of all, it’s important to know, What is Organic Honey? Some people think that raw honey is the same as organic honey, but it’s not. Organic honey is when the flowers that the bees get the nectar from has not been sprayed with chemicals. As long as beekeepers control where the bees go, they’ll know that they’re getting honey from organic flowers.

There are various types of Honey available having their own medical importance and values. Let’s quickly wrap up honey types and their health benefits accordingly.

1) Manuka honey: Good for stomach cancer.
2) Blueberry honey: offers very rich antibacterial properties.
3) Alfalfa honey: treats cardio problems.
4) Eucalyptus honey: good for respiratory issues.


Alright! you got the quick clue about the natures incredible product, that we been used as food and medicine from since ancient times. So, let’s dig into this valuable product, you ready? Ok, here we go.

Honey is a sweet thick liquid made by honeybees that contain some nutrients to start your day exciting as more energetic as you waiting for your favorite sports to start ;). 100% Pure and high-quality organic honey is very rich in antioxidants. These include organic acids and phenolic compounds like flavonoids.

Are you diabetes patient and afraid of eating sweet foods? If the answer is Yes ! then it’s time to less worry. Because honey is “Less Bad” than sugar for diabetics.

Honey we sell is extracted and purification was done with no use of chemical through a typical traditional process. Organic Honey, we sell online inside Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur is 100% pure, which is directly imported from our own Beefarmnepal in Surkhet. We sell a wide variety of specialized honey and other bee products noted for their purity with high medicinal value.